Saturday 19 November 2016

Recipe column: Fighting colds and flu

by Lori Wuellner

It's that season of year, colds and flus are beginning to kick in. It's an ideal opportunity to do what you can to ensure yourself by taking after these tips.

Get an influenza shot. While no influenza immunization is 100 percent successful, it reduces your danger of influenza related hospitalization.

Eat more foods grown from the ground. Five servings a day gives you numerous cell reinforcements, vitamins and minerals to help your resistant framework. Crisp, solidified or canned veggies are all helpful. Try the Rise and Shine Breakfast Cobbler out.

Get up and walk. Indeed, even an energetic 20-minute stroll in icy climate consistently can diminish icy and influenza frameworks.

Vitamin E assembles the insusceptible framework. It can help the body's reaction to this season's flu virus immunization and dangers of upper respiratory contaminations. Vitamin E is found in green verdant vegetables, entire grains, invigorated oats, and nuts.

Consume sustenances rich in zinc which are found in meats, poultry, vegetables, entire grains, and nuts in addition to braced oats. Try not to try too hard however an excess of can be hurtful.

Lose weight. A lessening in weight can enhance the insusceptible reaction. Continuously take after your specialist's proposals for best results.

Drink liquids. Water, or even green tea, is helpful to diminish irritation.

Wash your hands. This can't be underscored enough. Wash as often as possible and abstain from rubbing your eyes and nose with messy hands.

Sleep cures numerous things. Inquire about has demonstrated a connection between a mind particular protein and rest that can battle influenza side effects.

Know your body. When you feel tired and rundown, that anxieties your invulnerable framework and expands your possibility of disease.

Shouldn't something be said about vitamin C? While many think taking a considerable measure of vitamin C can keep sickness away, the science does not back this up. Vitamin C supplements won't keep you from getting a frosty, yet may abbreviate the length of ailment.

In the event that you are sick, remain home. This will diminish the spread of colds and influenza. For more data on flu, see and for colds see

(Source: You Asked It! Tips From the Rapid Response Center, November 2016)

Lori Wuellner is a Wyandotte County Extension operator, Family and Consumer Sciences, K-State Research and Extension, 1216 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kan. Phone 913-299-9300, email

Rise and Shine Breakfast Cobbler

Serving Size: ¾ glass/serves 4


1 glass juice-pressed canned cut peaches, depleted

1 glass juice-stuffed canned cut pears, depleted

6 set prunes (cut down the middle)

¼ teaspoon vanilla concentrate

¼ container squeezed orange

Orange get-up-and-go (optional0

1 container granola (low fat)


1. In an extensive microwave safe bowl, blend organic product, vanilla, squeezed orange and orange pizzazz. Blend.

2. Top with granola.

3. Microwave on high for 5 minutes. Let stand 2 minutes.

4. Spoon into 4 bowls and serve warm.

Sustenance data per serving: 221 calories, 1g add up to fat, 0g immersed fat, 0g trans fat, 0mg cholesterol, 60mg sodium, 50g aggregate starch, 6g fiber, 25g sugar, 3g protein

(Source: Snap-Ed Connection; Words on Wellness, Iowa State University Extension

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