Sunday 18 December 2016

Tips for Handling Holiday Health

Brandpoint (BPT)

(BPT) - The occasions are drawing nearer, which implies investing more energy with family and friends–creating recollections to last all through the New Year. It is likewise when celebratory gatherings and social affairs can challenge what may somehow or another be adhering to a good diet propensities. Nourishment and merriments frequently go as an inseparable unit, yet for the 28 million Americans living with sort 2 diabetes, that doesn't mean avoiding these parties.

As somebody who has lived with sort 2 diabetes for over 20 years, incredible on-screen character James Earl Jones knows this well. He has banded together with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to share his encounters and how he deals with the Christmas season while keeping the sort 2 diabetes administration arrange he and his specialist set.

"Throughout the years, I've been in close contact with my specialist to make a sort 2 diabetes administration arrange for that was effective for me," James Earl notes. James Earl's specialist prescribed INVOKANA® (canagliflozin) alongside eating regimen and work out, which helped him bring down his A1C and take control of his wellbeing. "As a result of INVOKANA®, my specialist and I were glad, I got my A1C to 6.9 and I even lost some weight." James Earl recognizes that nourishment will dependably be a noteworthy part of the Christmas season, yet shares he has realized there is an approach to strike a harmony between keeping up sound propensities for diabetes administration and taking an interest in the merriments.

James Earl shares his tips for overseeing sort 2 diabetes taking note of "amid the Christmas season, I rely on four tips to ensure I can capitalize on the time with family and companions while staying aware of my sort 2 diabetes administration arrange." "All things considered, organizing wellbeing is a yearlong need," he includes.

Solid Options: Let's be straightforward: Our most loved nourishments aren't generally the most beneficial alternatives on the table. I attempt to simply get an example measured measure of my "must-have" things, then fill my plate with more nutritious choices. It's useful to recall that at any rate half of your plate ought to be loaded with non-bland vegetables. [i]

Fixing Swaps: If you're doing the cooking, add vegetables to soups, stews, and goulashes to include volume, surface, and flavor with not very many extra calories.

Fit in Exercise: Find a minute prior or after suppers to go out for a stroll. I generally get a kick out of the chance to adopt a group strategy, and get family and companions outside after a feast and included in work out. It's pleasant to go out for a stroll or a climb in the forested areas.

Screen Blood Sugar: Lastly, watch out for your glucose. On the off chance that you have a feeling that you overdid it amid an occasion dinner, recollect, tomorrow is another day to get back on track!

INVOKANA® is an once-day by day pill utilized alongside eating routine and practice to lower glucose in grown-ups with sort 2 diabetes. In most clinical trials, the larger part of individuals taking INVOKANA® came to an A1C objective of under 7.0, an objective prescribed by the American Diabetes Association. INVOKANA® works with the kidneys to help grown-ups with sort 2 diabetes lose some sugar through the procedure of pee. In clinical trials, treatment was likewise appeared to decrease body weight and systolic circulatory strain, and was for the most part all around endured. The most well-known symptoms of INVOKANA® incorporate genital yeast contaminations, urinary tract disease, and changes in urination.[ii] These particular unfavorable occasions were for the most part gentle to direct in power in Phase 3 contemplates.

Having occasion and New Year diabetes administration objectives is an extraordinary approach to remain on track! INVOKANA® gives assets to bolster solid propensities. These instruments are intended to give basic tips that can truly have any kind of effect: Hear more from James Earl and get diabetes administration tips customized to your remarkable driving part through a fun, intelligent test.

Setting Personal Goals Activity: Create a customized objective setting rundown to make diabetes administration objectives, as decreased weight reduction and circulatory strain, less demanding! You can even impart your objectives and advance to your specialist at your following visit.

Solid Habits Tracker: This tracker can help you give careful consideration to your glucose levels, which can help you effectively dealing with your sort 2 diabetes! Watching out for sound propensities can help you remain persuaded.

With a little arrangement, diabetes administration and control can be consistent parts of your vacation season, which can make a more beneficial new you in the New Year! Visit to discover more about these helpful free assets and make a beeline for to hear more from James Earl Jones.


INVOKANA® is a professionally prescribed pharmaceutical utilized alongside eating routine and practice to lower glucose in grown-ups with sort 2 diabetes. INVOKANA® is not for individuals with sort 1 diabetes or with diabetic ketoacidosis (expanded ketones in blood or pee). It is not known whether INVOKANA® is sheltered and powerful in kids under 18 years old.


INVOKANA® can bring about critical reactions, including:

Drying out. INVOKANA® can bring about a few people to end up distinctly got dried out (the loss of an excessive amount of body water), which may make you feel mixed up, black out, woozy, or feeble, particularly when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension). You might be at higher danger of lack of hydration on the off chance that you have low pulse, take meds to bring down your circulatory strain (counting diuretics [water pills]), are on a low sodium (salt) eat less, have kidney issues, or are 65 years old or more established

Vaginal yeast disease. Ladies who take INVOKANA® may get vaginal yeast diseases. Side effects include: vaginal scent, white or yellowish vaginal (release might be knotty or look like curds), or vaginal tingling

Yeast contamination of the penis (balanitis or balanoposthitis). Men who take INVOKANA® may get a yeast contamination of the skin around the penis. Side effects include: redness, tingling, or swelling of the penis; rash of the penis; noxious release from the penis; or agony in the skin around penis

Converse with your specialist about what to do on the off chance that you get side effects of a yeast disease of the vagina or penis.

Try not to take INVOKANA® in the event that you:

are sensitive to canagliflozin or any of the fixings in INVOKANA®. Indications of unfavorably susceptible response may include: rash; raised red fixes on your skin (hives); or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may bring about trouble in breathing or gulping

have extreme kidney issues or are on dialysis

Before you take INVOKANA®, tell your specialist in the event that you have kidney issues; liver issues; history of urinary tract diseases or issues with pee; are on a low sodium (salt) eating regimen; will have surgery; are eating less because of ailment, surgery, or change in eating regimen; pancreas issues; drink liquor frequently (or drink a ton of liquor in short-term); ever had an unfavorably susceptible response to INVOKANA®; or have other therapeutic conditions.

Tell your specialist in the event that you are or plan to wind up distinctly pregnant, are breastfeeding, or plan to breastfeed. INVOKANA® may hurt your unborn infant. In the event that you get to be distinctly pregnant while taking INVOKANA®, tell your specialist immediately. INVOKANA® may go into your bosom drain and may hurt your child. Try not to breastfeed while taking INVOKANA®.

Inform your specialist regarding every one of the pharmaceuticals you take, including remedy and non-professionally prescribed medications, vitamins, and home grown supplements. Particularly tell your specialist on the off chance that you take diuretics (water pills), rifampin (used to treat or counteract tuberculosis), phenytoin or phenobarbital (used to control seizures), ritonavir (Norvir®, Kaletra® – used to treat HIV contamination), or digoxin (Lanoxin®– used to treat heart issues).

Conceivable Side Effects of INVOKANA®

INVOKANA® may bring about genuine symptoms, including:

Ketoacidosis (expanded ketones in your blood or pee). Ketoacidosis has happened in individuals who have sort 1 or sort 2 diabetes, amid treatment with INVOKANA®. Ketoacidosis is a genuine condition, which may should be dealt with in a doctor's facility. Ketoacidosis may prompt to death. Ketoacidosis can happen with INVOKANA® regardless of the possibility that your glucose is under 250 mg/dL. Quit accepting INVOKANA® and summon your specialist right on the off chance that you get any of the accompanying manifestations: sickness, retching, stomach-region agony, tiredness, or inconvenience relaxing

Kidney issues. Sudden kidney damage has happened to individuals taking INVOKANA®. Converse with your specialist immediately on the off chance that you: 1) decrease the measure of sustenance or fluid you drink, on the off chance that you are wiped out, or can't eat or 2) you begin to lose fluids from your body from spewing, the runs, or being in the sun too long

A high measure of potassium in your blood (hyperkalemia)

Genuine Urinary Tract Infections: may prompt to hospitalization and have happened in individuals taking INVOKANA®. Tell your specialist in the event that you have signs or side effects of a urinary tract contamination, for example, blazing feeling while urinating, need to urinate regularly or immediately, torment in the lower a portion of your stomach (pelvis), or blood in the pee. A few people may likewise have high fever, back torment, queasiness, or spewing

Low glucose (hypoglycemia). On the off chance that you bring INVOKANA® with another prescription that can bring about low glucose, for example, a sulfonylurea or insulin, your danger of getting low glucose is higher. The measurements of your sulfonylurea medication or insulin may should be brought down while you take INVOKANA®

Signs and side effects of low glucose may include: cerebral pain, sluggishness, shortcoming, unsteadiness, disarray, fractiousness, hunger, quick pulse, sweating, shaking, or feeling jumpy.

Genuine hypersensitive response. In the event that you have any indications of a genuine unfavorably susceptible response, quit accepting INVOKANA® and summon your specialist right or go to the closest doctor's facility crisis room.

Broken Bones (cracks): Bone breaks have been found in patients taking INVOKANA®. Converse with your specialist about variables that may build your danger of bone crack.

The most well-known reactions of INVOKANA® include: vaginal yeast contaminations and yeast diseases of the penis; changes in pee, including dire need to uri

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