Monday 26 December 2016

Twelve of the most ludicrous rumours about Chennai’s famed music season

Customary mortals dress like their most loved Carnatic geniuses. Truly?

Twelve of the most crazy bits of gossip about Chennai's really popular music season

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Recently · 03:30 pm

Anil Srinivasan











The Chennai music season in December and all that it involves has some favor essayists in a contort. Past the standard measurement of smooth tunes and glimmering soirees, the alliterative descriptors make it appear as if the celebration envelops extensive masses of Chennai inhabitants. There is in reality a surfeit of traditional music shows, some of them fantastic. Yet, in all actuality it concerns a little extent of audience members, supplemented to some degree by their kind rolling in from remote countries for the occasions. The vast majority of Chennai goes ahead as some time recently. Like some legacy locales, which seem vast and sweeping in pictures, however are disappointing when experienced physically, the season, however unique, is much littler than it is made to appear.

I have assembled the twelve most strange cases I have experienced in the media about the acclaimed music season in Chennai, and incorporated two or three music tracks that are in a lighter vein.

'Tis in reality the season to be cheerful, Carnatic style!

1. "More than 300 settings in Chennai create right around 5000 shows or more!"

Truth be told, around 30-odd scenes are the locales for around a thousand shows.

2. "All of Chennai breaks into music and move."

All of Chennai is unquestionably breaking into melody and move, however it is outside ATM machines. Around a thousand entertainers (all included) take into account the traditional music swarm. This is a huge number, however given that Chennai is more than 7 million occupants, this claim is a long way from reality.

3. "Indeed, even the cabbies and auto-rickshaw drivers of Chennai know which sabha is prominent and which isn't."

Chennai's cabbies are generally individuals from the regions, who don't know Chennai streets all that well, not to mention what a sabha is. Similarly as with wherever else, film star homes and legislator addresses keep on being the best-known points of interest. Concerning auto-rickshaws, they keep on existing in their very own universe, one where meters from time to time work.

4. "Ask any kid and she will know the contrast between TM Krishna and Sanjay Subrahmanyam."

Similarly as with most little youngsters, the essential distraction of Chennai's children is school occasions. They have no clue who both of these people is, considerably less that the previous has quit singing amid this season.


5. "Amid the music season, the very air in Chennai has the aroma of jasmine, and an extraordinary show of Kanjeevarams that lets you know you have without a doubt touched base at the Mecca of established music."

Right now, the air is perfumed with the aroma of rotting tree decay taking after Cyclone Vardah. Material shopping proceeds as usual, but dulled by the absence of money. The show of overrated jasmine and old fashioned Kanjeevarams is for the most part limited to nostalgic NRIs, who treat a portion of the prime scenes as the upper class treat Ascot in England.

6. "This is the heart of the Carnatic business."

A brief time back, a companion of mine who works in approach research and I evaluated that the span of the Carnatic music biological system in dollars (or rupees) makes it much the same as a cabin industry, if mechanical terms ought to be utilized by any stretch of the imagination. Obviously, there is no financial gauge to the elusive happiness it conveys to those captivated by it, however to depict it along these lines may appear a fool goal-oriented.

7. "The music season is the time when conventional mortals like us look to Carnatic whizzes to show our design sense and decorate in like manner."

This is a myth that reaches out from the air of the late unbelievable MS Subbulakshmi, whose decision of a specific shade of saree was utilized adequately by a noteworthy retailer to help his year-end deals. The normal Chennai occupant keeps on being unaffected by the fashion tastes of Carnatic performers.

8. "Indeed, even a youngster in Chennai can tell if a vocalist goes off-key."

As a music instructor, I can just mourn this, however alluring, is a long way from genuine. Progressively's the pity!

9. "Indeed, even the neighborhood radio stations offer Carnatic admission."

Like most media organizations, the neighborhood radio stations are income subordinate. The greater part of them keep on playing film music and talk with prevalent film performing artists and identities. The odd stations do, notwithstanding, communicate interviews with Carnatic performers and play their music at a young hour in the morning.

10. "The season reaches out from mid-November to mid-January."

While this is surely valid for the show logbook, the genuine season, known as Margazhi, falls between December 15 to January 15 (as per that specific month in the Tamil date-book).

11. "Real eateries spruce up their insides and serving Carnatic-themed sustenance."

This one was the hardest for me to split, as I was uncertain about what Carnatic-themed sustenance even implied. Significant eateries (as far as prevalence or advance) in the city for the most part attempt to exploit the Christmas-New Year Christmas season, and serve an assortment of dishes that pull in families, including an expansive assortment of non-veggie lover nourishment, which by definition couldn't be Carnatic-themed, however hard we attempt.

12. "It is without a doubt the best time to visit Chennai."

This, without uncertainty, is very. With the climate being wonderful, and the tender paced city developing considerably gentler, it is an exquisite season for sure. Regardless of all the false bits of gossip, the music is very superb.

Joyful X'mas and all the best for the New Year!


Anil Srinivasan is an established musician and to some degree dynamic in the Chennai December Music Season. His perspectives are frequently contrarian, however he cherishes Chennai wholeheartedly.

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