Monday 26 December 2016

Why Hair Transplant Clinics Need To Add Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) As A Treatment Option

What is Scalp Micropigmentation? This video clarifies what SMP is and how it functions.

(PRLEAP.COM) October 3, 2016 – Scalp Micropigmentation, or SMP, is the way toward including a huge number of pigmented, mimicked hair follicles to the upper dermis of the skin of the scalp to give bare or thinning up top men or ladies the look of a naturally shaved head of hair. SMP HD™ (Hair Density) SMP HD gives men and ladies with diminishing hair, the look of a denser, thicker, more full head of hair, like the consequences of adding powders or strands to the hair; in any case, SMP is more lasting and is sans upkeep. SMP SC™ (Scar Camouflage) Clients who have experienced a hair transplant, now or previously, can now return to have their scar covered inside their own hair follicles, or inside their own particular hair. The white of the scar is no more drawn out obvious, and can be disguised up to 100%.

1) Scalp Micropigmentation compliments any Hair Transplant Treatment. Scalp Micropigmentation works as an inseparable unit with customers who experience hair transplant surgery. From the several customers that we have treated that have had a hair transplant, similar protests or issues emerge amid the interview: 1) Hair is too thin 2) Scar is unmistakable

A) Hair is too thin

You can expand your customers' fulfillment rate by including SMP as a feature of the treatment, or offering SMP after the treatment. SMC offers SMP HD (Hair Density) medicines, which once more, includes a huge number of reenacted, pigmented hair follicles to the upper dermis of the skin of the scalp. This obscures the scalp, and gives the presence of a more full, thicker, denser head of hair. The customer will have no compelling reason to include any powders or strands, in any case, these modalities can be utilized amid uncommon events, and such, to give the customer much more volume.

B) Scar is unmistakable

Whether the customer has experienced FUT or FUE, utilizing SMC's SMP SC (Scar Camouflage) treatment, we can disguise the customers scar either inside their own particular hair follicles, on the off chance that they choose to totally shave their head and have the look of a buzz trim, or, we can cover the scar inside their own hair by obscuring the scar with a shade that matches their hair shading. Regardless of the possibility that the customer had an exceptionally fruitful hair transplant treatment, the significant sympathy toward every customer is a) when they get a hair style, and the white of the scar is unmistakable for a week or two, or b) once they age and their hair diminishes or they choose to keep their hair short, the scar is presently completely obvious. SMP SC is the best and just treatment to completely cover the scar and increment customer fulfillment, increment their self-regard and increment their self-perception.

2) Scalp Micropigmentation can add additional income to your office

Presently the normal cost for a full frontal and upper crown treatment of SMP or SMP HD (Hair Density) is approx. $3500 CDN or $3000 USD. SMP SC (Scar Camouflage) can run anyplace between $1500 to $3000, contingent upon the extent of the scar. This may appear to be high to a few, in any case, once you address a customer and include every one of the modalities that they as of now use to cover their diminishing hair, bare spot or scar, you will find that SMP is very less expensive over the long haul.

A straightforward correlation of Powders and Fibers versus SMP demonstrates the distinction:

Powders and Sprays Scalp Micropigmentation

Must be connected every day Three medicines and yearly support

15min – 45min to apply Nothing to apply after SMP finished

Makes a wreck in the restroom No wreckage in the lavatory

Falls off with water Does not fall off with water

Can't go swimming Can go swimming

Upkeep amid the day No upkeep

Stains cushions Does not recolor pads

Rehashed application Only touch ups required

This does exclude the cost of different modalities the customer might utilize, for example, Rogaine, Propecia, and so on. This additionally does exclude the passionate anxiety these items put on the customer once a day.

Once these realities are raised to our customers, our end rate is 80%+. In any case, every office can offer rebates to customers who additionally experience hair transplant surgery, and consolidate the modalities. We likewise give rebates when the customer needs both SMP HD and SMP SC.

3) Hair Transplant Technicians Can Train To Become SMP Artists

SMC trains Doctors, Nurses, Hair Transplant Techs, PMU Artists, Tattoo Artists, and different specialists in the skin and healthy skin industry since they as of now have considerable experience with skin life systems. Hair Transplant specialists can stay occupied lasting through the year with HT surgeries, or by directing SMP medications on customers in the workplace. SMC prepares in house, on the web or we can go to your office to prepare every one of your specialists without a moment's delay in a 3-4 day escalated course. The understudies would get their web based preparing and pack, and after 4 weeks we would hold the serious instructional class in your office, or at our preparation area in Toronto, Ontario.

Once the Doctor, Nurse or HT Tech finishes the course, they will get a Certificate of Completion and will turn into a SMP Artists affirmed by SMC.

4) Why Choose SMC For Your Scalp Micropigmentation Training.

Scalp Micropigmentation passes by many names including: SMP, Scalp Tattoo, Hair Tattoo, Hair Follicle Replication, Hair Follicle Simulation, and so forth. Be that as it may, this treatment is still grouped under Permanent Makeup. SMC's position is that SMP is not a tattoo and not perpetual cosmetics, but rather truly is a cross breed of the two medications. We are striving to think of principles in the business, yet until then you should comprehend that in spite of the fact that there might be diverse names for Scalp Micropigmentation, not all medicines are the same. SMC highly esteems having concentrated all parts of the business, and thinking of SMP Certified Equipment exclusively utilized with the end goal of Scalp Micropigmentation.

We have worked with Dermatologists, Hair Transplant Surgeons and Trichologists keeping in mind the end goal to think of the most exceptional online SMP Training Program on the planet. We additionally incorporate proceeding with training for all our SMP Students, and we elevate them to various levels, permitting every one of our understudies to accomplish a Master status in the business, and to wind up distinctly an industry master.

The Scalp Micropigmentation Center not just directs many SMP medications every year, except they are the pioneers in preparing future SMP Artists. Our SMP Training program concentrates on the fundamental purposes of SMP, which are:

1. Appropriate SMP Training

There are an assortment of SMP preparing program out there, yet most depend on Tattoo and PMU gear, while SMC produces their own SMP Certified Needles and Inks for the sole reason for leading a SMP Treatment. Our SMP Training program has been produced by our Master SMP Artist who has worked years in the business, and was extremely baffled in the absence of preparing and gear utilized as a part of todays SMP medications, accordingly, we built up our own. We just utilize these devices on our customers, and we just offer these apparatuses to our understudies, in this manner, there are no other SMP Certified Equipment in the market, unless you see our SMC Seal of Approval – then you know it is honest to goodness.

2. SMP Power Source

This is a critical part of the SMP treatment, as the power source should be sufficiently effective to drive the needle neatly through the primary layer of skin. In the event that you are utilizing a PMU machine, odds are you are getting a considerable measure of victories on the grounds that those machines don't have enough power, and are utilized for Permanent Makeup, not Scalp Micropigmentation.

3. SMP Machine

The machine must have the right settings on it, and a consistent PMU or Rotary Pen can't be utilized to finish a legitimate SMP treatment in light of the fact that, in the event that you are utilizing the best possible power source, rotational pens would not have the capacity to handle the sort of force expected to finish an appropriate SMP Treatment. We are banded together with Cheyenne who are the best Tattoo Machine Makers on the planet. Our machine is sufficiently effective to handle the power source, and has the right settings to have the capacity to drive the needle through the principal layer of skin neatly. On the off chance that the machine you are utilizing is vibrating excessively, you can't control your needle and you will get poor outcomes.

4. SMP Needles

Once more, we work with Cheyenne, who are the best needle producers on the planet. Their needles are of exclusive expectations, and have no reverse. As of now, most SMP suppliers are utilizing tattoo needles or changeless cosmetics needles. Clearly, you would need somebody to utilize legitimate SMP needles, planned particularly for use in Scalp Micropigmentation. We have composed 3 sorts of needles that work with various skin sorts and distinctive ethnicities. We just offer our SMP Certified items to our understudies, so you won't discover these on kijiji, DH Gate, eBay, Amazon, or some other site. We have the patent, and SMC are the main ones to convey these particular needles.

5. SMP Inks

Our SMP Inks or Pigments are uniquely figured for SMP ONLY. Our SMP inks won't change shading and are free of any cancer-causing agents. The dread today is that different suppliers are utilizing inks that are from obscure sources, or more terrible are perpetual cosmetics shades which are made out of various hues. On the off chance that PMU shades are utilized, they will in the long run blur into their unique hues, along these lines, your ideal chestnut shading today, can be green tomorrow. Just utilized SMP Certified hardware and supplies.

The Scalp Micropigmentation Center SMP Training Program

There are three choices to browse:

1) Online SMP Training Program

Cost of Online Training: $4,000.00, which incorporates:

Online SMP Training: Lessons and Modules

Blood Borne Pathogens Certificate

SMC SMP KIT: Contains all provisions and hardware to finish SMP Training Program

Declaration of Attendance after fruitful culmination of Online SMP Training Program

Protection Information

Counsel Forms, Release Forms, Waivers, and so on.

Continuous Continuing SMP Training Education

Our online SMP preparing program permits any understudy with 6 months or more involvement in Medicine,

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